Did you know that our coalition currently offers FREE vouchers to the Kentucky Alcoholic Beverage Control’s training for alcohol servers in our community? The STAR training is designed for anyone who sells alcohol, whether it’s in a restaurant, grocery store, liquor store, or gas station. The STAR (Server Training in Alcohol Regulations) is designed to reduce alcohol sales to underage youth and to intoxicated individuals. The training covers how to check identification, how to spot a fake ID, how to identify someone who is intoxicated, and how to refuse alcohol service to a person. The training also covers how to spot someone who may be purchasing alcohol for a minor. These are all skills that are necessary for responsible alcohol service in our community.
Underage drinking is a problem in our community, with 28% of Grant County 12th graders reporting using alcohol in the past 30 days. The majority of our students report getting alcohol from a family member or friend, but a portion also report obtaining alcohol from a store – either using a fake ID, or not being carded before purchase.
By providing vouchers to this online training program, we hope to decrease direct alcohol sales to underage youth and to prevent adults from purchasing alcohol for minors.
Any business owners or managers may contact us through this site or at grantcountychampions@gmail.com for more information and to get your voucher today!