Responsible Alcohol Sales in Grant County

RESPONSIBLE ALCOHOL SALES IN GRANT COUNTY March 21, 2018 By Launi Gum (Edit) Grant County has allowed packaged alcohol sales in our community since December of 2015.  With this change in law, comes great responsibility on behalf of our alcohol retailers and servers. ...

One Encounter

ONE ENCOUNTER March 8, 2018 By Launi Gum (Edit) Join us on March 25, 2018 at Grant County High School beginning at 6pm.  There will be live music, free food, and fun give-aways.  Learn how one encounter can truly change your life! Visit for more...

Project Sticker Shock- Stop Underage Drinking

PROJECT STICKER SHOCK- STOP UNDERAGE DRINKING February 27, 2018 By Launi Gum (Edit) By Elizabeth Bishop Champions for a Drug-Free Grant County is collaborating with the Northern Kentucky Department on a project funded by Interact for Health. This project will allow...

Citizen Science Project

CITIZEN SCIENCE PROJECT February 27, 2018 By Launi Gum (Edit) By Elizabeth Bishop Champions for a Drug-Free Grant County is collaborating with the Northern Kentucky Department on a project funded by Interact for Health. This project will allow members of our coalition...

Champions Honored at CADCA Leadership Forum

CHAMPIONS HONORED AT CADCA LEADERSHIP FORUM February 9, 2018 By Launi Gum (Edit) Champions for a Drug-Free Grant County HONORED AT CADCA’S NATIONAL LEADERSHIP FORUM  Williamstown, KY – On Feb. 6, the Champions for a Drug-Free Grant County was one of 160 community...

Medical Marijuana-Where We Stand

MEDICAL MARIJUANA- WHERE WE STAND January 30, 2018 By Launi Gum (Edit) Vision: Grant County will be a united community that supports safe, healthy, and active youth and families for generations and beyond. Mission: Champions for a Drug Free Grant County works with the...

Here We Are-End of Year One

HERE WE ARE- END OF YEAR ONE October 1, 2017 By Robin (Edit) A few years ago, Champions for a Drug-Free Grant County was struggling to find funding for our efforts, and to maximize our reach in the community. Over this last year, we have grown as a coalition and have...

Red Ribbon Week

RED RIBBON WEEK October 15, 2017 By Robin (Edit) Red Ribbon Week is October 23-27, 2017 and both Grant County Schools and Williamstown Independent School District will be participating this year! Champions for a Drug-Free Grant County has partnered with the Family...

Parent Info Night

PARENT INFO NIGHT September 22, 2017 By Robin (Edit) We recently offered an Informational Night on August 21st, from 6-8:30pm at Williamstown High School. Raising teenagers in today’s world can be challenging, especially when it comes to drug & alcohol use and...